Health Programs and Direct Services

Supporting your health
and wellbeing.

Services for People Living with HIV

The Spahr Center provides non-medical services for people living with HIV. We are here to support you whether you are newly diagnosed or are a long-term survivor. We believe that people living with HIV should have all the resources to thrive!

HIV Prevention and Testing

Details about HIV prevention and testing coming soon!

Counseling Services

At The Spahr Center, we are determined to provide holistic, strength-based, client-centered care to our beautiful and vibrant community! We offer support from providers with expertise and experience working with LGBTQ+ and HIV-positive clients.

Food Pantry

The food pantry supports income-eligible people living with HIV and LGBTQ+ community members with weekly access to grocery and fresh produce. We stock a variety of delicious and nourishing foods that pantry shoppers will be excited to take home.

Narcan & Fentanyl Test Strips

In addition to clean syringes, we provide free Narcan and fentanyl test strips. We offer free trainings for community members and organizations on usage and importance of Narcan and FTS.

Syringe Services and Overdose Prevention

Syringe services are a proven strategy to prevent HIV, Hepatitis C, and overdose among people who use drugs. Our harm reduction program does not judge or stigmatize people who use drugs. We provide necessary harm reduction supplies to prevent HIV, Hepatitis, and drug overdose.

We rely on your support to continue our work.